sexta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2009

100 melhores blogs para aqueles que querem salvar o mundo

100 Best Blogs for Those Who Want to Change the World

United Nations Good Works: Find out what the United Nations is doing around the world from this blog. Malcolm Gladwell, author of Outliers and other inspirational bestsellers, discusses making a difference, intelligent thinking, and other important topics.
Ordinary People Change the World: Find out how regular people can make a difference in the world from this blog.
Evange-list: Check out Evange-list to learn how you can use the Web to make the world a better place.
The Give Well Blog: This blog will tell you how to get the most change out of your giving dollar.
What Do You Stand For?: This blog encourages readers to find a cause for support.
A Volunteer’s Guide to Changing the World: Find out how you can change the world as a volunteer from this blog.
How I changed the world today: See what this blogger does on a regular basis to make a difference in the world.
Kiva Stories from the Field: Read the stories of Kiva fellows on this blog.
Blog for Change: Blog for Change will help you learn about causes, connections, and action.
The Change Blog: This blog is all about changing the world and changing your life.
So what can I do?: Read So what can I do? to find out hundreds of actions you can take to change the world.
One Person Can Make a Difference: This blogger demonstrates being a force for change in the world.
Skip a Lunch: Skip a Lunch is about making small personal sacrifices in order to help others.
Have Fun - Do Good: Have Fun-Do Good is written for people who want to change the world while having fun.

How to Save the World: Dave Pollard shares environmental philosophy and more on this blog.
Worldchanging: This blog encourages readers to change their thinking to support a more sustainable world.
Change the World: HGTV’s blog will tell you how to change your world without losing your mind. Green Tech: Through Green Tech, you’ll learn about the newest, most innovative green developments in technology.
Gristmill: Gristmill is full of environmental news and commentary.
Sustainable Food: This blog discusses practices and actions for more sustainable food.
GoodGuide: Check out GoodGuide to find products that are safe, healthy, and green.
Animal Rights: This blog focuses on the cause of animal rights.
Green Blog: This blog helps business leaders choose environmentally friendly solutions.
Sustainablog: Check out this blog to learn about sustainability, green business, and environmental politics.
Bright Green Blog: This blog discusses alternative energy, wildlife, living green, and more.
Stop Global Warming: Read this blog to learn what you can do to help put a stop to global warming.
Green Fork: Learn how to eat well and eat sustainably from this guide.
TreeHugger: TreeHugger shares green news and sustainable design with a modern twist.
Green Inc.: See how your business can be more environmentally friendly from this blog.

Social Action & Human Rights
Social Work/Social Action: This blog is written by the Wurzweiler School of Social Work at Yeshiva University.
Spare Change: Nedra uses social marketing to promote causes including health and social issues.
On Social Marketing and Social Change: Read this blog to find news and commentary on social change and marketing.
Human Rights Watch: Read Human Rights Watch to stay on top of the latest developments in human rights.
Poverty in America: Poverty in America fights poverty and supports organizations that help to end it.
Social Citizens: Learn more about social giving from this blog.
TakePart: On this blog, you’ll find out how to take action on social issues, human rights, politics, environment, and more.
Stop Genocide: Read this blog to find discussion on Darfur and more.
Aid Worker Daily: Get humanitarian news and reviews from Aid Worker Daily.
Survival International: Survival International encourages support of tribal peoples.
Gay Rights: Learn about developments in gay rights, and what you can do to support them.
Humanitarian Relief: Check out this blog to learn about humanitarian workers.
Global Health: Read the Global Health blog to learn what is being done about health crisises around the world.
Social Actions: Social Actions has blogs and community that supports social action.
Coalition for the Homeless: On this blog, you’ll learn about programs, advocacy, and ways to can help end homelessness.
The Humanist Community: This blog is all about promoting humanism.
Women’s Rights: Take action on women’s rights with the help of this blog.
Peace in the Middle East: This blog discusses the need, and actions for, peace in the Middle East.
Forced Migration Current Awareness Blog: On this blog, you’ll learn about refugees, IDPs, and forced migration.
End Homelessness: Find out what you can do to help end homelessness through this blog.
Blog for Darfur: This blog is on a mission to save Darfur.
End Human Trafficking: In this blog, you’ll learn what you can do to help end human trafficking.
iAbolish: iAbolish is the blog behind an American anti-slavery group.
Criminal Justice: This blog focuses on actions you can take to support a more fair criminal justice system.
Tobi Indyke’s Social Action Blog: Tobi Indyke shares events, actions, and more for social improvement.
Education: In this blog, you’ll find out how education can be reformed and improved.
Religious Action Center: The Religious Action Center shares how you can tackle world changing action through religion.
Immigration: On this blog, you’ll learn about the latest in immigration rights.

Operation NICE: Get inspired to be nicer every day by Operation NICE.
Gimundo: Gimundo shares good news and positive stories.
Zen Habits: On Zen Habits, you’ll learn about improving your life through simplicity.
The Hero Workshop: The inspiration in this blog will help you find your inner hero.
The Happiness Project: Check out this blog to learn about facing the challenge of being happier.
Abbey of the Arts: Abbey’s blog is a great resource for any artists who are creating for social change.
Sublime Goodness: This blog delivers inspiration with stories of goodness around the world.
Inspire Me Today: Gail Goodwin writes to help give you the motivation and inspiration to be, do, and create.
The Serendipity Factory: The Serendipity Factory celebrates happy discoveries, sharing news, quotes, and inspiration.
Philanthropy & Funding
Nonprofits can find a wealth of useful information through these blogs.
A Small Change: Check out this blog to learn about fundraising for non-profits.
Marketing for Nonprofits: On this blog, you’ll learn how you can help nonprofit marketing efforts.
Give & Take: Give & Take is an aggregator of blogs for the nonprofit world.
Tactical Philanthropy: Read Tactical Philanthropy to learn about the Second Great Wave of

Philanthropy & Funding.
Philanthropy Journal: On this blog, you’ll find nonprofit news and resources.
Cause Marketing: This blog highlights and analyzes cause marketing promotions.

Health Care
Universal Health Care: This blog discusses universal health care as a way to reform the health care system.
IgniteBLOG: IgniteBLOG offers a convergence of health care, marketing, and technology.
The Health Care Blog: The Health Care Blog is incredibly informative about the health care system and reform.
Subject to Change: Subject to Change focuses on social change in public health.
The Alan Katz Health Care Reform Blog: Learn about health care reform from Alan Katz on this blog.
Autism: On this blog, you’ll find news and actions relating to Autism.

The Groundswell Blog: The artists featured on this blog are a part of social change.
Women’s Creative Collective: This collective is a group of women who create for change.
Make Art Like You Care: This blogger creates good art and good works for a better world.
the Painting Activist: This artist describes the world with a paintbrush.
on Social Design.: Check out this blog to find out what designers are doing for social change.
art + craft = craftivism: This blog focuses on art and craft for good.
Art for a Change: Mark Vallen’s blog highlights art theory and commentary.

Leadership & Business
All Day Buffet: All Day Buffet supports a business model that is based on investment in people.
Leading Blog: The Leading Blog writes to build a community of leaders.
Social Entrepreneurship: Nathaniel Whittemore’s blog is all about entrepreneurial ideas that support the greater good.
The Greater Good: Learn about new scientific research and compassion through this blog.
Fair Trade: This blog highlights ways in which fair trade is working, and how it can be better utilized.
How to Change the World: Guy Kawasaki’s blog is all about changing the online world.
The Practice of Leadership: This blog discusses influencing the world through leadership.
Social ROI: Get inspiration for social entrepreneurship through this blog.
Servant-Leadership Blog: Learn about the concept of becoming a leader who serves from this blog.
Ecopreneurist: Ecopreneurist offers news and support for green and sustainable business ventures.
Chief Happiness Officer: Alex Kjerulf’s blog discusses making business more fun, happy, and profitable.
Tworque: In this blog, you’ll find news and commentary on entrepreneurship and innovation in developing countries.
Seth’s Blog: Seth Godin can help you learn a thing or two about leadership. SustainableWork: SustainableWork supports the idea of creating sustainable startups and emerging enterprises.


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